For 10 points extra credit, complete the crossword on the slide presentation. Follow all directions.
For 10 points extra credit, you can create a poem following all directions in the presentation below. Have fun creating!
For 10 points extra credit, you will be completing a word search that is inspired by British Literature. This will require getting a paper from me.
With this extra credit option, you have the opportunity to earn anywhere from 10-30 points extra credit. Read the directions for details.
You will create a blackout poem that is worth 15 points extra credit. You must follow ALL directions.
For Extra credit, you will be required to take the quiz and answer ALL questions. This will be worth 15 points extra credit if completed and answered correctly. Please mark all answers on a sheet of paper. Go to the presentation below to begin quiz...
Take the quiz, answer all the questions correctly and receive 15 points extra credit. You will probably be required to do some research for this assignment because if answers are NOT correct, you will not receive your extra credit.
For 20 points extra credit, you need to complete all directions in this presentation. Have fun!
For 25 points extra credit, you will be creating a short story based on the topic that is generated for you. This is a fun writing project.
For Extra credit, you will be required to view the presentation below and follow the directions. This will be worth 25 points extra credit if done correctly.
- For Extra credit, you will be required to view the presentation below and follow the directions. This will be worth 25 points extra credit if done correctly.
For Extra Credit, you will be required to click on the link below and follow the directions. This will be worth 25 points extra credit if done correctly. Must be unique and creative!
For 30 points extra credit you much view the presentation below and do everything that is required. You will only receive the extra credit if you complete all components
For 30 points extra credit, view the following presentation, click on the link embedded within the presentation and follow all directions.
For 30 points extra credit, you will create a digital storybook. It must be creative and follow all guidelines as set forth in the presentation.
For 30 points extra credit, you will need to follow ALL directions on the following slides. Have fun!
If you love creative writing, you will love this extra credit option. You can earn 30 to 40 points depending on how many pages you write. Please follow all directions in this presentation.
To receive 30 points extra credit, you will create a comic strip. You will design both the comic strip and the storyline. You must do everything detailed in the presentation below. Please follow all directions.
For 38 points extra credit, you will follow all directions below and write a 3 page essay.
For 45 points extra credit, you will write a creative horror story based on the characters in the presentation below. You must follow all directions and if you have any questions... Please ASK!!
For 45 extra credit points, you will research your heritage and write a 4 page essay. All directions must be followed.
For extra credit, you will be required to view the presentation below and follow ALL directions. You will receive 50 points extra credit once you have completed all parts of the project.
Courtesy of James McElroy at Merced High School
For 50 points extra credit, you will read one of my class novels (in its entirety) and complete ALL the directions in this presentation.