Essential Question:
How have Americans historically fought for their rights and identity and how does that struggle continue today?
How have Americans historically fought for their rights and identity and how does that struggle continue today?
The Native American Unit

- Answer the following questions:
2. What do you know about Christopher Columbus and his relationship with the Native Americans?
3. According to the text, what is oral tradition?
4. Do you think a written source would be more or less reliable than an oral source? Be sure to give at least two reasons for your claim.
5. Why do you think Native American literature wasn't respected as much as European or Western Literature?
6. Name three pieces of information from the today's reading that you find interesting.

Christopher Columbus
You will create a Google Presentation and do the following:
Sample lesson:
Christopher Columbus/Native American Assignment
You will create a Google Presentation and do the following:
- Slide one: one graphics of Christopher Columbus and his name written somewhere on slide
- Slide two: A graphic that depicts Christopher Columbus greeting the Native Americans with a caption. (ie: Columbus greets the Native Americans)
- Slide three: Information about Columbus' relationships with the Natives (specifically what he did to them: link 1)
- Slide four, five, six: Provide information that explains the Native American Genocide. Display graphics and information on each slide from link 2 ONLY!
Sample lesson:
Christopher Columbus/Native American Assignment